Our founders and wonderful volunteers put time and energy into this worthy cause, to make children’s lives easier and more aspirational.   



The ZENO Foundation is very different to most charities, because we bypass the parents. Children are the direct and sole recipients of our Essential Hygiene Packs.

The ZENO Foundation is very different to most charities, because we bypass the parents. Children are the direct and sole recipients of our Essential Hygiene Packs.
Our purpose is to help children achieve basic hygiene standards, for those whose families are not able to provide essential items - regardless of the reason. Sad as it is, some households barely have enough income for food, so we bypass the parents’ financial decision-making processes and gift directly to children, through school support staff.
This means that even if funds in a child’s household are low, the child still benefits from the gifting of the Essential Hygiene Pack  – not other family members. Most of the children the ZENO Foundation works with, keep the packs at school. School support staff have an innate grasp on the dynamics and the complexities of families within their school, so by distributing the Care Packs through the school, the ZENO Foundation targets  children who need help the most. This in turn helps the school and the local community - it’s a win-win for everyone!

Enhancing Self-esteem and Social Skills

Some children in our communities are suffering from poor self-esteem and poor social skills. This may ostracise them from their peers and in some cases, leads to children not attending school. We believe (and our feedback shows) that the simple act of providing Essential Hygiene Packs to students is creating considerable, tangible benefits for their educational, emotional and physical well-being; their overall quality of life.
The ZENO Foundation gifting system has been specifically designed to be as cost efficient as possible with donations, whilst creating the maximum positive impact for the children. This system has led to remarkable results!  See Success Stories

girl waiting

— Our Mission

To empower and improve the wellbeing and achievement of children, by providing basic hygiene products to those in need. This allows children to concentrate on learning and social interaction, without feeling ostracised, bullied, neglected, afraid and ashamed.

— Our Vision​

That the ZENO Foundation provides a way for people to make a donation that will be 100% used for necessities required by children living in lower socio-economic areas of New Zealand. A healthier childhood produces a healthier adult, which produces a healthier community and in turn, a healthier planet. 


support us and change the course of a child’s life today!