The ZENO Foundation is very different to most charities, because we bypass the parents. Children are the direct and sole recipients of our Essential Hygiene Packs.
Our purpose is to help children achieve basic hygiene standards, for those whose families are not able to provide essential items - regardless of the reason. Sad as it is, some households barely have enough income for food, so we bypass the parents’ financial decision-making processes and gift directly to children, through school support staff.
This means that even if funds in a child’s household are low, the child still benefits from the gifting of the Essential Hygiene Pack – not other family members. Most of the children the ZENO Foundation works with, keep the packs at school. School support staff have an innate grasp on the dynamics and the complexities of families within their school, so by distributing the Care Packs through the school, the ZENO Foundation targets children who need help the most. This in turn helps the school and the local community - it’s a win-win for everyone!